Rest day Breaky Coconut yogurt, superfoods and fruits

Gone are the days when "good" food solely meant indulging in unhealthy treats. Today, I want to share one of my favorite breakfasts, especially on my rest days. During these moments, my body craves substantial nourishment, considering my activities, such as yoga and gym workouts. Please note that the front picture I captured does not accurately depict the portion size I consumed.

While tempting options like a vegan cinnamon roll from that incredible place in Canggu may come to mind, I urge you to pause for a moment and consider trying something refreshingly different—an extraordinary breakfast experience awaits. Picture a generous bowl overflowing with creamy coconut yogurt adorned with a medley of nutritious fruits and superfoods.

I am certain that once you savor this wholesome delight, the thought of the cinnamon roll will fade away effortlessly. I'm not advocating for strict restrictions, but I promise you won't feel any cravings after enjoying a bowl like this.

As I've ventured on my culinary journey, I've realized that processed foods lose their appeal when you're accustomed to a healthier eating lifestyle.

They become more of a distant memory rather than a tempting reality. Furthermore, armed with knowledge about how food impacts our mood and mental well-being, I consciously steer clear of choices that might leave me feeling weird.

Yes, I confess, I feel a bit peculiar after consuming sugar. Probably you too.

Let's delve into the wonderful world of the ingredients composing this exceptional bowl—each brimming with wholesome goodness and delightful flavors.

Think velvety coconut yogurt, succulent mango slices, a burst of vibrant berries, the vibrant green goodness of spirulina, and a sprinkling of nourishing fats from pistachios and walnuts. Additionally, we have the exquisite sweetness of goji berries, the tangy pop of cranberries, and the touch of nature's bounty with pollen.

It's important to note that I don't indulge in this extravagant bowl every day. Rather, it's a special treat that adds variety to my weekly meals, ensuring I benefit from a diverse range of vitamins, minerals, and colorful goodness—improving my brain and body.

So, remember, breakfast holds the key to a day filled with energy and vitality. Embrace the beauty of nourishing choices and relish the harmonious dance of flavors that await you!


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